Bjerkaker LearningLab - BLL
Bjerkaker LearningLab (BLL) is a small NGO not-for-profit enterprise in Norway run by Sturla Bjerkaker and partners.
Key activities: Project management, counseling, and partnership in adult learning and education, lifelong learning, active citizenship, and senior policy.
Sturla Bjerkaker is a long-standing and experienced adult educator with engagements both in Norway and abroad.
His present activities are project management, project evaluation, project partnership, facilitating workshops, study visits, teaching, and training adults and seniors.
He has a background as General Secretary/Director for the Norwegian Association for Adult Learning and the Association for adapted adult education. He has also been the principal of the Nordic Folk Academy by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
He has university degrees in pedagogy, sociology, and social science and has authored several books and articles about adult learning, project management, and running voluntary organizations.
He has been a board member of the European Association for the Education of Adults and vice president and treasurer of the International Council for Adult Education for many years.
Since 2014 Sturla is a member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, and from 2018 - 2020 a member of the Hall of Fame Executive Board, and since 2022 a member of the selection committee. From 2015 - 2022 he shared the responsibility to coordinate the Hall of Fame Europe (HOFE).
Sturla is the chair of the Oslo Municipality Senior Council, and he is also since May 2023 the president of Seniornett Norway.
BLL has and has had project cooperation with Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, and Hungary.

International projects
Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia,
Lituania, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Croatia
Development Dialogue
Workshops, Kurs,
Evaluering av søknader
og rapporter - SIU
Preparation for Active Aging
Seniornett Norge, Seniornett Direkte
Øraker Borettslag
Møteledelse, Kursledelse
Foredrag, Styrearbeid

My competences
- Andragogy/pedagogy, adult learning and education, study circles
- Dimensions of democrazy and active citizenship
- Active and quality ageing and learning throughout life
- Youth at risk, dropouts, new opportunities for deprived areas
- Planning and organizing study tours and visits in Norway and abroad
- Project management, presentations and teaching/training
- Meeting’s management and facilitating group prosesses
Experiences in EU and/or EEA/Norway Grant projects
- Program BG07 “Public Health Initiative”, Regional Health Inspectorate Smolyan, Bulgaria, 2017. Role/position: Expert, organizing study visit. Partner: Bjerkaker LearningLab
- Project HU11-A1-2013 “Capasity Building and Institutional Cooperation”, “Pilot Project for Active Ageing”, 2015 – 2017. Alsomocsolad Hungary. Role/position: Expert. Partner: The Norwegian Association for Adult Learning.
- Project HU11-002-B1-2017: “Quality Life 50+”, 2016 - 2017, Alsomocsolad Hungary. Role/position: Expert. Partner: The Norwegian Association for Adult Learning.
- Project 2016/BIL-1/09 “Advocacy through educational networks”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2015 - Role/position: Expert/Director of partner: Norwegian Association for Adult Learning.
- Projects with RFDS, Romania, “The Children and Youth at risk-program”, Bucarest, Romania and Norway, 2016-2017. Role/position: Expert, lecturer, study visits organization. Partner: The Norwegian Association for Adult Learning/Bjerkaker Learning Lab.
- Project HU01-0003-PIERO-A2-2017, “Tackling Climate Change”, Bataszek, Hungary, 2017 - Role/position: Expert. Partner: Fjellugla Kompetanse, Norway.
- Project on “Local development and democratic learning – using study circles”, Riga, Latvia 2014 – 2015. Role/position: Expert/lecturer. Partner: The Norwegian Association for Adult Learning.
- Previous years (1995 – 2010) Involved in EU-project under the programs Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus +.

Bjerkaker Learning Lab (BLL) is a small not-for-profit NGO enterprise in Norway run by Mr. Sturla Bjerkaker with partners.
BLL is formally public registered in Norway with No. 874629782 and in EU with PIC 907349447.
Bjerkaker LearningLab was establishes 18 March 2016 in Oslo, successing Semakolon Communication Office (Semakolon Kommunikasjonskontor, Norwegian), which was establishes in 1995.
+47 90 60 62 89